Use the options in the dialog boxes to define if and how neoMatch may manage measurements done with a spectrophotometer.


From the menu neoMatch | Preferences… you can open the preferences box. 

  • You can find settings for the minimum and maximum dE values in the color-matching process. We recommend a maximum of dE 3.
  • DeltaE Type provides the CIE types: dE76, dE94 (Graphic Arts), dE94 (Textiles), dE2000, CMC (1:1), and CMC (2:1). By default is dE94 (Textiles). Delta E Type set at dE94 (Graphic Arts) or dE94 (Textiles), depending if our measurements are in D50 or D65 (respectively); or dE2000 (in both cases).
  • The Render Method is using the default rendering intent method Perceptual. Other available methods: Absolute Colorimetric, Saturation, and Relative Colorimetric. Depending on the job we are doing, a different Render Method has to be set. If we're printing with neoStampa, we should choose the same one we use there. If we're matching colors for Photoshop or Illustrator it's generally Perceptual, if we're matching color libraries for neoStampa, Absolute Colorimetric.
  • Bits Per Component gives you the option to export in LAB 8bits or LAB 16bits. Recommended Bits per Component are 16 bits. If we work with EPS or PDFs, we should also activate the High Precision option on neoStampa, either in Global Preferences or on the PDF rendering options of our color schemes.
  • Font type and size selection which is used in the export image file. By default is 'Dejavu Sans Condensed' and size 8.
  • Define the default embedded ICC profile for all documents.
  • Enable Print Intent.
  • Send anonymous usage data.

Name formatter

From the menu Measure | Show Name Formatter… you will reach a dialog to set up the formatter, with the help of the formatter text below. 

Chromatic Adaption of White

From the menu Utilities | Chromatic Adaption… you will reach the dialog to set up the white reference to the ICC profile white.