
All units, which are not specifically defined, are point units. 



The "Action" is an URL call parameter, which allows the client to request information or change current queue items interacting with the printer.

The base URL to access it is http://\[IP\]:\[PORT\]/. The data returned by calls is in XML format. Each call is done using HTTP GET method. Parameters are added onto the base URL like normal. The first parameter should be always the command (?action).

Most action commands require a UUID to be passed. This is the ID of the job, obtained from the printer.

Authenticate your Web API requests by providing a token. Preferred are tokens to be sent in the Authorization HTTP header of your outbound requests. However, you may also pass tokens in all Web API calls as a parameter called token.


Action calls


Request action with no parameters that return an XML file with all the printer information.


Request action with UUID as a parameter that returns us all the information of the requested job.


The client gives a UUID as a parameter and the printer moves this item one position up on the queue.


The client gives a UUID as a parameter and the printer moves this item one position down on the queue.


The client gives a UUID as a parameter and the printer moves this item in one specified position on the queue.


The client gives a UUID and an Enable status (being possible: true, false, yes, no...) as a parameter and the printer will put the item enable or not to be printed.


Start printing action. No more parameters to give. The printer will only print those items with the Enable parameter on True.


No more parameters to give. The printer stops all print processes.


Action in POST method. The client must give a Scheme type, the Enable position, and the Title of the new job, and then the printer takes that information and adds a new job with this information.


Returns a png encoded inside the XML.


Modifies the parameters (scheme, programmedHeight, copies) of an existing job


Download a job as .xjb


Download one or multiple schemes as a .zip


Import one or multiple schemes from a .zip


Attempts to close the Print Server

Every action will return at least an XML with a RequestStatus, which returns an "Ok" for well-executed actions or an "Error" for bad-executed actions. In both cases, the XML will also include a RequestMessage, which will inform us of the kind of action or error we've done.

For well-executed actions:

<MoveDownJob UUID="384b96be-369a-4224-b459-12090c62091f" RequestStatus="OK" RequestMessage="Job 384b96be-369a-4224- b459-12090c62091f moved"/>

For bad-executed actions:

<MoveUpJob UUID="38b96be-369a-4224-b459-12090c62091f" RequestStatus="Error" RequestMessage="Job 38b96be-369a-4224- b459-12090c62091f not found"/>

It works on every action, not only with moveUpJob and moveDownJob


The base parameter to get the printer information is: ?action=printerInfo. Using this parameter will return an XML in the following format.

<PrinterInfo Printer=(string) Status=(string) Active=\[Yes|No\] ClusterID=(string) DefaultScheme=(string) PendingSize=(float) SelectedSize=(float) DoneSize=(float) Workstation=(string)>
<Job UUID=(string) StatusID=(string) Status=(string) Enabled=(String) LastError=(string)> 
<Schemes> <Scheme Name=(string)/> 
<Layouts> <Layout Name=(string)/> 

In the PrinterInfo action we can see the following parameters returned in the XML:

  • Printer is the name of the printer that we refer to. An example of that would be Printer="Generic Printer".
  • Status is a string with seven options: error, idle, active, canceling, deleting, finished, and loading. 
    • Error to tell the client there is an error with this job. 
    • Idle if the printer is waiting for an enabled item to be printed
    • Active for the job is being printed.
    • Canceling appears by the time the printer is canceling any job.
    • Deleting while any job is being deleted-
    • Finished is for finished jobs.
    • Loading for any job, which is being loaded to be printed.
  • Active can only be yes or no. It indicates if the queue is active to print any enabled item or inactive to print.
  • DefaultScheme refers to the scheme that we will use as default on every print. In our case it will have two options:
<Scheme Name="197 - Carta_Pigment_i1_10012012"/>


<Scheme Name="Esquema tipus Roland"/>
  • PendingSize refers to the length that is pending, in the queue, to be printed.
  • SelectedSize refers to the length that has been selected, in the queue, to be printed.
  • DoneSize refers to the length that has been printed and still appears in the queue.
  • Workstation is the name of the computer that is running printEngine.

Inside the action, we have a JobList and the Schemes.

  • JobList shows all the jobs we've sent to the printer, giving all the information that it includes. The information about the jobs is explained in the next section.
  • Schemes include every scheme we've got on the printer.
  • Scheme: The scheme is a configuration for a Printer. A printer can include more than one scheme, and normally it does. That's why we must choose the scheme when we send a job to be printed.


The base parameter to get job information is: ?action=jobInfo&UUID=(string). Using this parameter it will return an XML in the following format. When the client uses the action; printerInfo, it returns all the printer information including all the jobs, so the jobInfo is included in the printerInfo.

<Job UUID=(string) StatusID=(string) Status=(string) Enabled=(String) 
 LastError=(string) RequestStatus=(OK|Error)> 
 <Scheme>197 - Carta_Pigment_i1_10012012</Scheme> 
 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documentos 
 \neoPrintEngine\Jobs\Generic Printer\384b96be-369a-4224- 
 <Pages Count="3"> 
 <Page Id="0" SourceWidth="0.000000" SourceHeight="0.000000" 
 Width="4535.520000" Height="112.320000" DoneHeight="0.000000" 
 ProgrammedHeight="112.320000" Flags="0"/> 
 <Page Id="1" SourceWidth="0.000000" SourceHeight="0.000000" 
 Width="4535.433071" Height="566.929134" DoneHeight="0.000000" 
 ProgrammedHeight="566.929134" Flags="1"/> 
 <Page Id="2" SourceWidth="0.000000" SourceHeight="0.000000" 
 Width="4535.520000" Height="71.040000" DoneHeight="0.000000" 
 ProgrammedHeight="71.040000" Flags="0"/> 

The parameters we get from the Job are the following ones.

  • UUID from the job we asked for information.
  • Status already explained in the printerInfo section.
  • StatusID is the internal code to refer to every status. 
    • Error -1
    • Idle  0 
    • Active  1 
    • Canceling  2 
    • Deleting  3 
    • Finished  4 
    • Loading  5
  • Enabled has two options (yes|no). This parameter shows if the job is enabled to be printed when the printer is active.
  • LastError as it says, shows the last error occurred in the job.
  • RequestStatus already explained.

After that, the XML includes all the specific information from the job. Which is:

  • Title: This is the title of the job we are working on.
  • Scheme: This is the scheme, which the printer will use for this job.
  • TempPath: This is the path where the document we are printing is saved.
  • Hour: This is the hour when the job has been logged, in the timestamp.
  • LastActivity: This is the last printing activity time, in timestamp too.
  • PrintWidth: This is the width of the job the printer is going to print.
  • PrintHeight: This is the Height of the job the printer is going to print.
  • Pages: Shows the number of pages of the job. 
    • Id: Number of pages. 
    • SourceWidth: ———————————————
    • SourceHeight: ————————————————
    • Width: —————————————————————
    • Height: ————————————————————
    • DoneHeight: Height already printed.
    • ProgrammedHeight: Height, which is going to be printed.
  • PrintedLenght: Total length printed of this job.
  • LastErrorMessage: As it says, the last error occurred on this job.


The base parameter to get job information is: ?action=jobPreview&UUID=(string)[&Size=(integer)]. Size is the preview size in pixels. Using this parameter it will return an XML in the following format. 

<JobPreview UUID=(string) Format="png">

The parameters we get from the Job are the following ones.

  • UUID from the job we asked for information.
  • Format of the embedded image. By default is png. 

After that, the XML includes all the specific information from the job. Which is:

  • Data encoded in Base64. 


The base parameters to delete a job are: ?action=deleteJob&UUID=(string)

UUID(required): String which refers to a unique alphanumerical number that corresponds to a unique job. 

Using this action it will return a XML with a RequestStatus and a RequestMessage. 


The base parameters to move a job up in the queue are: ?action=moveUpJob&UUID=(string)

UUID(required): String which refers to a unique alphanumerical number that corresponds to a unique job. 

Using this action it will return an XML with a RequestStatus and a RequestMessage. 


The base parameters to move a job down in the queue are: ?action=moveDownJob&UUID=(string)

UUID(required): String which refers to a unique alphanumerical number that corresponds to a unique job. 

Using this action it will return an XML with a RequestStatus and a RequestMessage.


The base parameters to move a job to the specified position in the queue are: ?action=moveJob&UUID=(string)&Position=(number)

UUID(required): String which refers to a unique alphanumerical number that corresponds to a unique job. 

Position(required): Number specifying the new position in the list.  

Using this action it will return an XML with a RequestStatus and a RequestMessage.


The base parameters to enable a job are: ?action=enableJob&UUID=(string)&Enable=(yes|no)

UUID(required): String which refers to a unique alphanumerical number that corresponds to a unique job.
Enable(required): String with two options. Yes or no. It tells if the job is prepared to be printed, or not. 

Using this action it will return an XML with a RequestStatus and a RequestMessage. 


The base parameter to start the queue is: ?action=startQueue

Using this action it will return an XML with a RequestStatus and a RequestMessage. 


The base parameters to add a new job are ?action=addJob&Scheme=(string)&Enabled=(true|false)&Title=(string)&Layout=(string)&Width=(float)&Height=(float)...


  • Scheme (Required): String; The scheme for the new job.
  • Title (Required): String; The title for the new job.
  • Enabled (Required): Boolean; If the new job will be enabled.
  • Layout (Optional): String; The name of the layout (as provided by printerInfo) for the new job.
  • Width (Optional): Float;
  • Height (Optional): Float;
  • Copies (Optional): Integer; The new number of copies of the job.
  • OriginX (Optional): Float; The new programmed origin position of the job, any unit.
  • OriginY (Optional): Float; The new programmed origin position of the job, any unit.
  • OutputFileName (Optional): Drivers with output file formats, name of the file for the specific printing job.
  • ComputerID: String; The name of the client computer that sends the job.
  • UserID: String; The username of the client computer.

Additionally to this GET parameters an additional parameter named 'file' will have to be submitted via POST in the same request.


The base parameters to change a job parameters ?action=setJobParameters&UUID=(string)&Scheme=(string)[&ProgrammedHeight=(float)&Copies=(integer)]...


  • UUID (Required): String; The UUID of the job.
  • Scheme (Required): String; The new scheme of the job.
  • ProgrammedHeight (Optional): Float; The new programmed height of the job, any unit.
  • Copies (Optional): Integer; The new number of copies of the job.
  • OriginX (Optional): Float; The new programmed origin position of the job, any unit.
  • OriginY (Optional): Float; The new programmed origin position of the job, any unit.
  • OutputFileName (Optional): Drivers with output file formats, name of the file for the specific printing job.

If ProgrammedHeight or copies is omitted, their value is not modified.

Using this action it will return an XML with a RequestStatus and a RequestMessage.


The base parameters to export a job are: ?action=exportJob&UUID=(string)[&base64=(yes|(no value))]. If base64 is set to any value the response will be returned in base64 inside an XML in the following format. 

<JobExport UUID=(string)>
(Base64 encoded Data...)

If the base64 parameter is not submitted, the .xjb will be sent through HTTP like a regular file.


The parameters to export a scheme are: ?action=exportScheme&Name=(string). The API will return a .zip file upon success or a 404 Scheme not Found upon failure.


  • Name (Required): String; The name of the scheme to export. You can use the special value "*" to export all schemes.


The parameters to import a scheme are: ?action=importScheme&[Force=(yes|no value)]. Additionally one, or multiple ".zip" file(s) will have to be sent via POST parameters, as files.


  • Force (Optional): If the parameter force is passed with any value and the scheme inside the zip file already exists, it will be deleted before importing. This flag is potentially dangerous, use it with caution.

The response for this API will have the following syntax:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <Scheme Name="First Scheme"/>
  <Scheme Name="Last Scheme" Status="Error"/>

A <Scheme> list of all schemes that have been attempted to import, if a scheme cannot be imported it will have the Status value "Error". This can be because the scheme already exists, you can use &Force=yes to delete the original scheme before importing


Attempts to close the Print Server, if the Print Server is printing or ripping it will not close.

The only parameter needed to close the Print Server is: ?action=quit.

Print Server Webhooks