neoCatalog offers to register devices (neoCatalog iOS) and to register Apps (neoMatch, neoTextil, Control Center) with QR-code, to establish a fast and easy connection. Using the function makes the sharing of files and data more efficient.
Using the QR code that neoCatalog creates to connect to other Inedit apps. To do this, go to neoCatalog and log in with your username and password. In neoCatalog, click on the wheel icon next to the user name tab and select the option to 'Link App' giving you the options of apps to choose from.
Link with iOS
A new dialog opens with instructions and requests you to install the free app on your device and scan the QR code to link your neoCatalog iOS with your account. The option to copy the content of the device connection QR code on the click. It copies the URL to your clipboard. When you press ctrl + v, it pastes the URL.
NOTE: Register neoCatalog iOS requires minimum neoCatalog iOS version 5.3.3 and neoCatalog Web version 1.6.5.

Another option is to send an Email from neoCatalog to make the registration of your device. Click on the button Send Email and it will be sent. Open the email in the device email app and click on the link to make the registration. Make sure that the neoCatalog iOS app is installed before.
neoCatalog iOS opens automatically with registration done.
Link with Apps
A new dialog opens giving options to copy the QR to paste it into the panel. It copies the URL to your clipboard or click on the application icon to link with the app.