QuickPrint presets is the feature to have export settings to make it faster to export print files for use. To access the QuickPrint presets, go to 'Management' in administration and find the listed option in 'Utilities'. Verify that the preference in Preferences > Modules is enabled to work with presets. 

To send to printing document, click on the option in the footer menu.

INFO: neoCatalog Server version provides QuickPrint Scenarios with specified hot folders that use with QuickPrint presets to generate new files and also files that are already in the database neoCatalog.

After you enter, on the left you see the existing presets, if any. With the button '+' you can create a newly preset. A new dialog opens where you can name and describe the new preset, or use a random preset name, and shows the creator and date of creation. The option Public allows sharing your preset with another user. If this option is not activated, the preset is visible to the creator only. Finally, click on Save to create the preset.

To delete a QuickPrint preset, select one preset and click on Delete below. Modifications on the preset can be done in the Print dialog.

Related articles:

How to generate and send print files from the Print option