You can customize the preview style for designs and colorways individually that fits your need in design and colorways information. Change the style of the previews and their containers with design and colorway information using multiple labels, colors, and preview titles. 

Preview Style data and colors:

None, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Purple

Design type, Design code, Design name, Collection, Creation date, Design Status, Designer, Exclusive, Expiration Date, Keywords, Number of Channels, Customer, Price, Rapport, Rapport Direction, Resolution DPI, Trademark, Sub-trademark, Verification date, Verifier, Design Alias, Modification date, Size, Custom field, Gallery names, Has colorways

You have the option to change the size of the previews in pixels and also the inside size of the previews in cm, pixel, or repeats. Changes will only take effect on newly generated thumbnails. To apply it also to the already existing ones you must remake them with the 'Remake all' button.

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