neoCatalog 3.15.9
September 2022
What's new
Bug Fixes
- The wrong path of digital files when adding digital designs.
neoCatalog 3.15.8
July 2022
What's new
Bug Fixes
neoCatalog 3.15.7
July 2022
What's new
Bug Fixes
not included.
neoCatalog 3.15.6
June 2022
What's new
- Export RGB color values support ACB and CSV color libraries.
Bug Fixes
neoCatalog 3.15.4
June 2022
What's new
not included.
Bug Fixes
- Import progress for new design shows the last imported design file name.
- Custom page size remembered inverted after using presets in the Print option.
neoCatalog 3.15.3
June 2022
What's new
- Sort color libraries alphabetically: Until now we sort them by a capital letter (C, D, a, b, 3, m), but now we sort them alphabetically (3, a, b, C, D, m).
Bug Fixes
- Unit not updated when switching from custom to layout size in Print option.
neoCatalog 3.15.1
May 2022
What's new
- Color Library in ACO format.
Bug Fixes
neoCatalog 3.15.0
May 2022
What's new
- Request Order in Print Automation: Now request orders can be automated using print presets when printing to Print Server. The presets can be selected from every order or defined in the state action to start automated send to the printer, when the order is moved in the state.
- Export Excel of orders: In the request kanban select the state column and then within 3 dots options, you can choose to export the Excel file (xlsx).
- New user-based privileges: Now users can have independent from main general user privileges new privileges to print, share or view: Print option, Share items, Share Samples, and Sections.
- Print dialog is more dynamic:
- Remembering the last selected data in the Print dialog for the user session.
- Support of ‘rep’ unit for custom page size.
- Working with Rapport layouts it will use the full rapport image size that works with combinations in destinations of XJB or sending to the Print Server queue.
- Mandatory field to select scheme before sending the job to Print Server with new advanced preference ‘require_scheme_for_print’.
- Confirmation print before sending to Print Server with new advanced preference ‘require_confirmation_for_print’.
- Share samples improvements:
- Share Samples with multiple gallery item selections.
- Now emails split by comma will send the share sample email to the individual recipient.
- Define the quality of the preview for image size in px with the new advanced preference ‘samples_resolution’.
- Define the height of the preview in % when entering the sample page with the new advanced preference ‘samples_preview_percentage’.
- Now the email of sharing samples uses a custom logo defined in user management or else as the global (mini).
- Now footer logo is customizable with the new advanced preference ‘neo_custom_logo_foother’.
- Multiple sections (server only): We added support to have multiple Sections in neoCatalog.
- Custom dialogs (server only): Improved setup on dialogs using default and custom fields.
Bug fixes
- Underline in XJB job names cannot be processed in Reggiani RIPPER.