The nT Job Queue Panel is replacing neoRipMonitor in previous versions with the neoTextil integrated panel for Adobe® Photoshop® that allows ripping and exporting jobs in format XJB and generating TIF files. The single monitor is managing the jobs in a queue, where it is easy to follow which job is waiting, running, and completed for the RIP. 

  • neoTextil 8: Display the drop-down options list from Window | Extensions and finally click on nT Job Queue Panel or open the panel using the shortcut on nT neoTextil Panel.

  • neoTextil 9: In Photoshop you can open the panel from Plug-ins | neoTextil Panels | nT Job Queue Panel or open the panel using the shortcut on nT neoTextil Panel.

  • neoTextil YEAR: In Photoshop you can open the panel from Plug-ins | neoTextil | nT Job Queue or open the panel using the shortcut on nT neoTextil Panel.

Generate background documents

This option is available from plug-ins, and the document will be sent to the Job Queue Panel for document generation.

Add and print jobs 

The jobs can be loaded from the button 'Add job' into the panel. The loaded jobs will be displayed in the queue and are waiting to start the ripping process. When working in nT Colorations, nT Masquerade, and nT Fine Tuning, then you have the possibility to export and generate the documents in the background using the nT Job Queue panel.

The loaded jobs will be displayed in the queue and are automatically starting the rip process until the process is completed.


Open and view jobs 

When the job processing is completed, clicking the 3dots button reveals opening or deleting options.



The preferences are displayed when clicking on the wheel button that is:

  • Number of CPUs - The default value is 2.
  • Maximum memory - The default value is 256.
  • Delete history - Deletes the job queue history.

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