After the coloring, nT Colorations offers you to generate and export multiple documents using layouts and templates, to print on your paper or textile printer. The documents can be generated in Photoshop or exported in the background in TIFF, PSD, JPG, and XJB formats. 

Layouts and Templates are used to export color information of a colorway in different ways, varying data such as the name of the document and colorway, date and time, color information in CMYK, RGB, HSB, or Lab values, showing color gradients or varying the size of the color patch. Along with the default sample data that is installed, you can set up the print page for layouts and select templates.

You can select the export options (top: Layout, bottom: Template) below the colorways list:


Documents with layouts

  1. In the print preview, the Color samples section is to determine whether to include the layouts in the print or not. Tick the 'Export' box to include them.
  2. The 'Options...' button above opens up a dialog to select the position of the layouts within the printable page and decide whether background patches or Inactive patches shall also be shown or hidden. 
  3. The 'Change...' button takes you to the computer's library Layouts with extension LYT, in case we wish to change the layout of color patches.

Customize Layouts

Within accessing the "Change..." button, you will reach a dialog that allows you to customize the patch size and information. 

  • Alignment of the document and colorway name
  • Size of patches 
  • Separations between patches
  • Show channel name
  • Show color name
  • Show color library name
  • Composition and decimals value: Native, Grayscale, RGB, CMYK, HSL, HSB, LAB, XYZ 
  • Composition alignment (horizontal/vertical) and components value (min 1, max 12)
  • With 'Load...' you can select the default sample layouts (LYT)

Once set up, it will be used in all colorways and can be adjusted at any time.

Documents with Templates

  1. Clicking on the 'Change...' button you will access the computer's location where your Templates are with extension .crd.
  2. When you select a coloration from the print preview window, the options for 'Coloration' in this dialog become active. You can change the colorations within the layout when opening the unfold list from Coloration. 
  3. Clicking on 'Channels...' a dialog opens, where you can hide or show colors, in the designs and in the samples.


Generate Coloration Pages

The final step of the coloration pages is the generation of the page files. nT Colorations offers several options to generate and export printout files.

Generate document in Adobe® Photoshop® & Save to disk

Generate a document in Photoshop® exports a coloration, which must be saved after leaving nT Colorations, in Photoshop®, in any desired format. Click on the 'Generate' button to start the process. Save the file to a disk you will choose a location, and the file will be saved in the background in PSD format. Click on the Save button to choose the location.

INFO: If working with embedded profiles in colorways, you are required to install the ICC and restart Photoshop®, or else to use neoRipMonitor to export the file, because Photoshop® cannot detect the embedded profile.


Generate background & neoStampa document 

The module nT Colorations supports additional export options with the nT Job Queue Panel that is included in every neoTextil installation. This panel of the neoTextil module allows to rip and export jobs in format XJB and generate TIF files. 

  • Generate background document: Job generation into XJB file to be printed with Print Server.  When using the size "Full rapport" in combination with this export option, you can adjust the print size that will be printed in the pop-up dialog "Page Size".

  • Generate document in neoStampa:  Job generation into format file that is selected in nT Colorartions Preferences.

The panel is managing the jobs in a queue, where it is easy to follow which job is waiting, running, and completed for the RIP.

Related articles:

How to use the nT Job Queue Panel to generate documents

Sample Colorations Layouts and Templates

How to setup coloration print page with layouts

How to setup coloration print page with templates