neoTextil nT Multicomia is an Adobe® Photoshop® plug-in that allows users to get color separations from an RGB file. It was created especially for the textile silk-screen printing, in those cases where a CMYK separation is insufficient or not possible.

File formats                                                           

The following file formats are supported and compatible:

File formats: 
  • Image formats (TIF, PSD, JPG, PNG)
Color spaces:        
  • RGB (supports embedded profiles)                                          


Let's take a look at the plugin interface to understand its key elements.

  • Make and OK & Cancel: Once you've got a separation done, click 'OK' to save the modifications and return to Adobe® Photoshop®. With 'Cancel' you will go back to Adobe® Photoshop® without keeping the changes. 'Make' will generate the separation file and export it in Adobe® Photoshop®.
  • List of separations and filters: In this area on the left you can see all the separations and filters created.
  • Preferences:  Preferences can be opened from the wheel button, which will be seen further on in this document.
  • Contrast: The Contrast button allows you to change the contrast percentage of a determined separation and chose Plain Ink, which is going to plain the separation channel into a 100% grayscale tone.
  • Load & Save: The (+) button on the right unfolds several new actions, and among those creates a new
    separation. After creating the channel, the name and the color of the channel can be changed individually.
  • Filters: This button unfolds the list of filters that can be applied to the separations, and options to organize them, including duplicating, copying, or deleting: Color, Hue-Lightness, Hue-Brightness, Component, Black, White, Channel, Separation, and Color Palette.
  • Values and color: The RGB and Grayscale values below the preference and action menu show the color RGB values and color. Besides this, it shows the input and output value from the black in the separation value, compared between the original and separated image.
  • Intensity and Mode: The Intensity is the gray intensity value of the filter separation: Addition, Mask, Selection, Plain ink mask, and Plain ink selection. The Mode can be selected from different options in different modes corresponding to the image file in use in Adobe® Photoshop®. By default Addition and effects of the original image in nT Multicomia.
  • Color and Curves: From the tabs, you can modify levels and adjust the color curves for Hue, Saturation, and Levels either by moving the dots or drawing by hand.
  • Original Preview window: This shows the preview of the original image. 
  • Separation Preview window: This shows the preview of the separation image. The button with an arrow next to the zoom, on each preview window, displays yet more preview options: Separated or non-separated colors, color, hybrid, grayscale, mask, and simulate production. The image and separation can be zoomed in with cmd ⌘+ Space and out with Alt + Space. To set to scale modus, at the bottom of the window are the values, which can be changed. With the hand drag, you can move the image offset. The hand drag comes available with click and hold Space key.


In Preferences, you can choose Photoshop or Multicomia color picker to make Color Adjustments.


Multicomia color picker works with 32bits color precision and supports Hexadecimal color codes.


With the option 'Simulate production' you can set an AMP curve that will simulate the physical effects of the cylinder in the preview when selecting 'Simulate Production (Cmd+Y)' in the Separation Preview window.

Related articles:

Getting Started with nT Masquerade

How to manage Separation, Filters, and Curves in nT Multicomia

Keyboard Shortcuts - nT Multicomia