nC Dropbox is a powerful file-sharing application that allows you to easily manage and transfer files between different devices and locations. Unlike the Multiple file import function, nC Dropbox doesn't need administrative configurations and permits all users to upload files using their API key tokens.

In this guide, we will walk you through configuring a neoCatalog URL and a specific folder to import files from one place to another using nC Dropbox. 



Installing .app on macOS

  1. Get it from the internet, email, or a USB drive.
  2. If it was in a .dmg file, right-click it and choose "Eject."
  3. Double-click the .app file. It may take a moment to open.
  4. Simply drag the application to the "Applications" folder in the Finder. It'll copy the app, which may take a bit.
  5. Find nC and open it from the "Applications" folder or the Launchpad.
  6. Start the app and create a new task.

Installing .exe on Windows

  1. Get it from the internet, email, or a USB drive.

  2. Double-click the .exe to start the installation.

  3. It'll take a few minutes, and progress is shown on screen.

  4. Open it from the Start Menu or the desktop if a shortcut is created.

  5. Start the app and create a new task.

Connect with neoCatalog

  1. Go to your neoCatalog application.
  2. Click on "Link App" in the menu of settings.
  3. Select "Link with nC Dropbox" and copy the QR code.
  4. Paste the link the nC Dropbox required field

Creating an Import Task

  1. Create a folder on your device. Give your folder a name, e.g., "Import Files."
  2. Click on "Add new task"
  3. Locate and select the folder to access it. You can do this by clicking on the button 'Select Folder' within the application.

Advanced Settings

Folder Filtering Settings:

  • Whitelist Folders: Specify folders that are permitted for processing. (Folders that are allowed)
  • Blacklist Folders: Specify folders that should be excluded from processing. (Folders that are not allowed)
  • File Extensions to Include: List the file extensions you want to include in the processing.

Other Settings:

  • Folder Depth: Set the depth to determine how many subfolders will be considered during processing.
  • Max Items to Process: Define the maximum number of items (files) to process. 0 for no limit.
  • Max Files Resolution:  Set the maximum file resolution to determine the conversion of files with a DPI (dots per inch) resolution. Files with a DPI resolution greater than this value will be automatically converted to match the specified DPI. 
  • Upon Completion (OK): Specify actions to be taken when processing is successful.
  • Upon Upload Failures: Define actions in the event of an upload failure.
  • Upon File Refusal: Determine actions to be taken when a file is rejected or refused.

Uploading Files

Once the import task is created, you will have it present in the application. Click on Start to upload files to the URL destination.

Monitoring Upload Progress

  1. nC Dropbox will start importing the file from the folder to the URL
  2. You can monitor the upload progress through a progress bar and indicator.
  3. Wait for the upload to complete. The time it takes depends on the file size and your internet connection.

Completing the Import

Once the upload is finished, you will see a notification that the process has been successfully completed. 

Accessing Imported Files

Log in to your neoCatalog, and you'll discover your imported files on the main design page. From here, you can begin working with these new files, creating fresh colorways, adding them to galleries, sharing with others, and initiating print jobs. 

Related articles:

How to import designs with a folder