neoCatalog 3.16.16 comes with a feature allowing users to integrate trademark and sub-trademark logos into their designs based on simple rules. This feature offers customization options, ensuring that users can incorporate their brand identity into their print design.

When a design includes a trademark or sub-trademark, neoCatalog automatically assigns the corresponding logo to the print document. Users can define a default trademark logo to be utilized when specific trademark or sub-trademark assignments are absent from a design. To utilize the advanced feature, contact your administrator to enable the advanced preference "neo_defaultTrademarkName" and "neo_defaultSubTrademarkName".

Example Scenario:

In the given scenario, when examining three designs side by side, Design 1 on the left features the trademark "INEDIT," Design 2 in the center utilizes the sub-trademark "neoCatalog" without a primary trademark, and Design 3 on the right incorporates both "INEDIT" and "neoCatalog"  Consequently, we ensure the appropriate logo is applied to each design in accordance with their respective trademark and sub-trademark associations.


1. Prepare Your Trademark Logos: 

Ensure trademark logos are saved in TIF format, named according to the trademark or sub-trademark (e.g. trademark "INEDIT" is represented as INEDIT.tif). Maintain high-quality standards for optimal printing results.

2. Upload Trademark Logos:

Upload your trademark logos to the neoCatalog Layouts. You can either directly upload the TIF files from Management > Layouts or copy them to the designated folder on your system in .\neoCatalog\QuickPrint\Layouts.

3. Prepare Your Layouts:

The layout requires a source for the trademark or sub-trademark, featuring a conditional setup to utilize the trademark logo when a value is present. In cases where there is no value, the layout defaults to displaying the standard logo. An example attached is provided for reference.

4. Assign Trademarks to Designs:

  1. Select the design requiring trademark assignments.
  2. Navigate to Edit > Edit Design Info.
  3. Choose the trademarks and sub-trademarks from the available options.
  4. Save your changes to apply trademark assignments.

5. Print Layout Selection:

  1. Access the Print option when ready to print.
  2. Choose the layout with trademark conditions for printing.
  3. Automatically trademark logos are assigned into the selected print layout based on design trademark value.