In neoCatalog, aligning users for effective teamwork is key to maintaining a stable workflow. There are several ways to organize users and create collaboration in User Management.


  • What They Are: Groups allow you to organize users based on their roles and responsibilities within neoCatalog, similar to job titles (e.g., Designers, Administrators, Sales). Each group is assigned specific tasks and permissions.
  • Why They're Useful: Managing permissions is much simpler with Groups. Rather than assigning access rights to individual users, you can configure them once for the entire group. This ensures everyone in the group has the appropriate permissions, such as the ability to create or edit designs.

Key Features:

  • Assign specific roles (referred to as "categories") to each group, determining what they can view or edit.
  • Group settings apply to all members, so there's no need to configure permissions for each person individually.
  • Ideal for managing a large number of users with similar roles and responsibilities within the system.

Best for managing permissions based on roles (e.g., designers, salespeople). You define what actions group members can perform.


  • What They Are: Organizations allow you to group users and contacts under a company or client. Users within an Organization can view all designs related to that company, though they cannot see user-specific designs unless explicitly shared.
  • Why They're Useful: Organizations are perfect for managing clients or companies where multiple users need to access shared designs. This setup is particularly helpful when collaborating with external partners or clients.

Key Features:

  • Users and contacts are both included in an Organization, granting them shared access to the same designs.
  • Designed for aligning multiple individuals working with or for a specific client or company, enhancing collaboration.

Best for organizing users and contacts under a company or client. Members of an Organization share access to the designs related to that company.

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Users and Groups Management