In neoCatalog, Agents (Users assigned to the Store category) have specific roles and permissions. They are users responsible for managing galleries and designs, often working as intermediaries or sales representatives. Their primary tasks include:

  • Gallery Ownership: Agents in the Store category can own galleries and are expected to see both public galleries and their own galleries.
  • Exclusive Designs: Agents should only see exclusive designs in their galleries, not in general searches.
  • Advanced Permissions: Store Agents often require precise configuration to align their privileges with business needs.

How Exclusive Designs Work for Agents

Exclusive designs are a special category of designs that are restricted:

  • They should see exclusive designs in their own galleries.
  • Exclusive designs should not appear in the general design search unless specifically shared.
  • Advanced search options for exclusivity are hidden to prevent unauthorized access.

This case highlights how configuration can impact what Agents can and cannot see.

Step 1: Set Preferences

To configure gallery and exclusivity settings for Agents in the Store category:

  • gallery_owner_only_customer: Set to NO.
  • galleries_hide_exclusives: Set to NO.

Step 2: Assign the Store Category to the User

Ensure the user is assigned to the Store category in User Management. This category defines their role and sets the foundation for their access permissions.

Step 3: Configure Privileges

Privileges control what the user can do and see. Use the provided screenshots as a guide to set up appropriate permissions for gallery access and exclusivity:


When configured correctly:

  1. The Agent will see only their owned galleries and not other users' galleries.
  2. Exclusive designs in their galleries will be visible to them.
  3. The general design search will not show exclusive designs unless permissions explicitly allow it.