Even when color libraries are perfectly matched between machines, sometimes there is not an exact match on the progression and/or tone of the gradients. To this end, neoMatch and neoStampa are now also able to also match mid-points on the curve of a color.
The process is quite simple and very similar to how to calibrate a color library:
- We print a PDF with some steps of the color gradient we want to match on the Reference machine (see example SPOT COLOR.pdf file below).
- We set up neoMatch with the same configuration we would for a color library.
- We read some of the mid-steps and we introduce the name and the value as COLOUR NAME%value (see SPOT COLOR.csv as reference).
Usually, only 3 or 4 values are enough to calculate a perfectly matched color curve. [70 - 40 - 20 - 10] or [50 - 25 - 15] are some good mid-points recommendations (more on lighter tones). <sublimation>
Depending on the darkness of a color, we need more control points than lighter colors. So for very dark colors, we recommend [100%, 90%, 75%, 50%, 25%, 10%], for medium colors [100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, 10%], and for lighter colors [100%, 50%, 25%] were enough. This is especially visible/necessary if you have to match output systems with different ink sets or processes. <Joe> - We match the samples like a normal library on the Matched machine/s.
- We export the results (Best RGB or Best LAB) and import them into the color library of neoStampa.
- We print the same PDF we printed on the Reference Machine to check the results.
For more information, please consult the neoMatch manual on our website. In case of doubt or for further information, please contact Inèdit Technical Support. |