
This document describes the handling of ColorScout A Spectrophotometer CM2600D in neoStampa Calibration Wizard. The full process of Calibration Wizard is described in the Calibration Wizard knowledge base.


Two settings need to be done to be able to make calibrations with the ColorScout A in neoStampa 8. One is performed on your computer, and the second is in the Calibration Wizard. 

Computer's Configuration

From the Control Panel in your computer, go to the Device Manager (Administrador de dispositivos), and from there select the USB Serial Port.

On the Properties of the USB Serial Port window, select the tab for the Port Setting (Configuración del Puerto). Choose the 9600 bits per second, and then open the Advanced Options dialog.

On the Advanced Configuration dialog, select to connect to ports COM1 to COM8, as any of them will do.

Configuration in the Calibration Wizard

On the first window of the Calibration Wizard, select Configure at the bottom of the dialog.

A new dialog opens, where you have to choose the device you want to work with from a list of supported spectrophotometers-, and set the Port.

The final step is to set the Serial Port. Select the three-dots button next to the Port.

In that new dialog, just choose the 9600 bits per second baud rate, matching it with that already set in your computer. Finish this setting by pressing Ok on the dialog, and go back to the first Calibration window. 

Linearization Measure

Continue with the Calibration Wizard process until you reach the Ink Cut and Linearization window. From there, make first a Print of the target, and then press the Measure button to start the reading:

The first measuring window will appear on your screen, indicating you to place the print on the spectrophotometer table.

Follow the instructions and then press Ok to continue.

Establish the Measure work-frame

The first to do here is to settle a frame of work, which is done by establishing three points of reference of the Linearization print. The buttons on the ColorScout table allow you to move the device in any direction and set those points:

Move the reference pin of the device to the first corner, the upper right one, and situate it in the middle of the patch. Then click on OK in the Wizard.

Once established in the first corner, continue to the upper left corner. Again, situate the reference pin in the middle of the patch and set the second point. Then press OK.

Follow the same steps for the last corner, which should be the bottom left one. Finish this process by clicking the Ok button.

Black and White Calibration

The White

Place the spectrophotometers on their base.

Check the information on the spectrophotometer's screen.

Press Ok in the Calibration Wizard window.

The Black

Take the ColorScout in your hand, facing upwards.

Check the calibration information on the device screen.


After this self-calibration of the Black and White, place the spectrophotometer again on the table's adaptor and click on Ok to start the Linearization Measure. 

When the Measure dialog appears on your screen, press Start.

The patches will be read one by one.

The ColorScout stops every 50 patches to make a new calibration of the White. Do as was described previously and continue the measuring. When you use Light Inks, print their linearization and place the sheet on the table. Repeat the setting of the work frame.

When the measuring or measurings are done press Ok, and continue completing the Calibration Wizard windows.

Target Measure

In the last Calibration Wizard window you will be able to select what Target you want to generate. 

When you have the Target print, proceed to Measure it. Place the Print on the spectrophotometer table, as you did with the linearization.

You will be asked to insert the first Page.

Press Ok and continue. If the Target has been printed on more than one page, you will have to read them in order. The Measure dialog on your computer screen will indicate what page you should be reading.  As the measuring process of the target is the same as that of the linearization, you will first have to establish the work frame, then make the calibration of the Black and White, and finally start the reading. Just remember that every 50 patches the program will ask you to calibrate the White color. When all the patches have been measured, press Ok to finish.