This guide introduces the usage of the MYIRO-1® spectrophotometer in combination with neoStampa Calibration Wizard. The full process of Calibration Wizard is described in the Calibration Wizard knowledge base.


Device Configuration 

Device Connection

Connect the device to your computer with the USB cable and turn it on at the bottom of the device until the blue light appears. Another option is to connect with the device using the device's WIFI connectivity. Refer to the device manufacturer user manual to configure the settings using MYIRO1_SpectrophotometerConfigurationTool. For information visit the manufacturer's webpage:

Configuration in Calibration Wizard

Start Calibration Wizard. Click on Configure… bottom of the window and select MYIRO-1 device from the list in the settings window.

Below the device list, select Illuminant (D65 or D50) and Observer (2 or 10).

On the right you have more options to select:

  • The Manual mode is useful when your media is very rough or if you consider it necessary.
  • If you need to use UV-Filter enable the option. To be sure whether to use it, make a Test... If the "b" value is smaller than -4, then use the UV Filter.


Start the Calibration as usual until the point to measure printed Single Ink Cut chart, Linearization chart, and Printer profiling target chart. 

Single Ink Cut/Linearization chart and Profile target measurements

Print the charts for single ink cut (Step2), linearization (Step3), and profiling target as Calibration Wizard requires in the manual. Press the Measure… button to read the chart. It opens the measurement dialog. Before starting to use the device, it must be calibrated. 

Device Calibration

For accurate measurements, the device must be calibrated before use.

1) Remove the white reference from the device.

2) Place the measuring head aligned to the marks and lock it moving the white reference clockwise.

3) In the measurement window click on the 'Start' button until the calibration request appears and is processed.

4) While calibrating the device will flash yellow light.

Scan Measurement

1) Make sure that your device is calibrated.

2) Position the ruler on the media and align the marks of the ruler to the line of the first color patch of row #1 of your chart.

3) Lower the device to the target base and position the measurement head on the left before the marks starting.

4) Press the device button, move to the right, and hold steady until the measurement is complete.

Spot Measurement

1) Make sure that your device is calibrated.

2) Place the color positioning target and device over the color target.

3) Press the device button to measure color and hold steady until the measurement is complete.

4) Release the device and move it patch by the patch to measure all colors.