Connect the device to your computer when is off and turn it on. Internal device calibration will start and you should wait until is completed. Start the neoMatch application and open 'Measurement Settings'. Configure the following parameters and press on the 'Apply' button.
- Make your selection for Illuminant.
- Make your selection for Observer.
- Select the mode Spot/Scan, with or without UV filter (requires device calibration). The Spot mode allows scan count 1. More than 1 will switch to Scan mode and vice versa.
- Select the size types, patches, or lines, and enter the size of the selected type.
- Use Average to render your measurements.
Device Calibration
Place the device over the printed chart. For accurate measurements, the device must be calibrated before use. The measuring head is equipped with a switch that allows manual insertion of the white reference. The calibration is required with each new measurement.
When this switch is operated, the instrument will automatically detect this and inform you that it is being calibrated. Release the switch when calibration is terminated.
Spot Measurement
1) Make sure that your device is calibrated.
2) Select Spot Mode.
3) Position the device on the patch you would like to measure. Scan chassis remains on the device during a spot measurement.
4) Lower the device to the target base and hold steady until the measurement is complete.
5) Release the device.
Scan Measurement
1) Make sure that your device is calibrated.
2) Select Scan Mode.
3) Enter scan count (number of the patches to measure).
4) Position the device in the center of the media above row #1 of your chart by centering the two laser beams. When this is done, keep the device and move the measuring head to the beginning of the chart row.
5) Start the measurement. The device supports Bi-directional measurements. Lines can be measured in direction from left to right and from right to left.
6) When the last patch is passed release the device, move the device to the next line, and keep measuring, until you have measured all lines in the chart.
Offline Measurements
neoMatch supports offline device measurements. Before starting the offline measurements flow, consider the following steps.
1) To work with offline measurements you need to create the measurement target. This has to be done in neoMatch. Set your settings, scan count, and patch size corresponding to your printed measurement target in 'Measurement Settings'. Start reading it line for line until the full target is completed. Press 'Apply' before reading every line. Once completed, send the measurements with 'Push new Job' to the SpectroPad device to create the target. Before you will be asked to name the target. If the device is not connected, the measurements will be saved in /Users/<USER>/Documents/neoMatch/...
INFO: The measurements can be removed from Barbieri Gateway Measurement Software only when connected to the device. |
2) In the device you can measure your colors with the transferred target, selected in 'Chart Mode'. Once the target is ready in the device, start reading it line for line until the full target is completed.
3) To receive the targets, from 'Measurement Settings' press 'Get Measurements', select the target from the list and the measurements will be loaded in a new window in neoMatch from the device.