This section describes the setup before starting to work with Requests Orders. You need to enable the module first. Afterward, the options 'Request Type' and 'Workflows' are available in 'Management' to make the required setup.


Workflow Management

A workflow defines the states of how request orders should be processed with rules. You can have more than one workflow.  By default, neoCatalog creates one embedded Workflow with predefined states: 

To Do > Accepted > Finished > Started > Verified.


To create your own Workflow, click the '+' button on the left. It creates one new untitled workflow with default states.


You can modify the new workflow:

  • Title: The Workflows are sorted by name.
  • Description: Add a descriptive explanation or text to the workflow.
  • Default state: The default state is used when creating the requests that will set the request in the selected state (e.g.: State changed to Accepted will have the new request starting at that state).
  • Exclusivity: The workflow can become exclusive for selected users or groups. Later in notifications called "team".


States & Actions

Every state can be modified in the title, description, state color, and action. State position can be changed by drag and drop in the list. 

  • Add new state: Adding a new form will extend the workflow rules. You can add a new title, description, state color, and action.
  • State Type: Requests will progress through the following stages: UNSTARTED > ACCEPTED > STARTED > DONE > VERIFIED. The workflow follows a strict sequence from UNSTARTED to VERIFIED; Once a request reaches the STARTED state, it becomes locked for modifications.
  • Action: Rule applied when a request arrives or is moved to the state. You can set None, Notify customer, Notify team (user or group with customer or user category), Archive, Print with preset, or change design status. Action using 'Print with preset' requires a print preset with one active 'Send to neoStampa' or 'Save to Server' destination.
  • Archive: The option to archive or unarchive states, including orders, with the ability to display archived states.
  • After any modification, press Save to embed the workflow and state to neoCatalog.

Request Type Management

Request Type is used when working with neoCatalog Server Requests. It is required to create types to create request orders, where several meters may be the thing to print. The types can be different in meaning. 

Go to 'Management' and select Request Types listed in 'Utilities'. In the next window, on the left of the page, you can search, select, edit, or add a new request with the '+' button. If you open or create a new Request, at the center of the page you will see the table with Title, Description, and Workflow fields that need to be filled in. With the 'Set as default' button, the selected request type will be used as the default type for order requests.

Related articles:

How to enable the Request Orders and Shopping Cart feature

Application Modules

How to generate and send print files from the Print option

QuickPrint Preset Management