Design and Colorway information are data-based. You can assign keywords to design, fabric to colorways, or make both exclusive. However,  with custom fields and custom dialogs, you can create new fields and apply rules for visibility and permissions. If your neoCatalog is connected to your company's database, most fields will be filled with your database information. If content changes are required, they should be done from your external database.  

Design and colorway edition can be modified only by an Administrator of the program or users that have the proper privileges to edit information. Only unverified designs and colorways can be edited.  Contact your Administrator.

INFO: The neoCatalog desktop app version has limitations in fields. If you work with the neoCatalog Server version, you will be able to work with custom fields and custom dialogs and customize the server dialogs.


Edit Design Info

The Design edition options can be accessed through the Edit Design Info option from the button from the menu bar that appears on all pages. 

Design section

The first section of the dialog information relates to the design creation and ownership classification in neoCatalog.

Default fields:

  • Design Type: Indication if the design is digital(photographic) or conventional(multichannel). 
  • Creation and Modification Date: The creation date is the date of design importation. The modification date is the date when the design image file was updated.
  • Code: Code is used when the design moves to production. 
  • Request ID (optional): Shown when the design is created from Request.
  • Name: The name is used as temporary identification until the design moves to production. 
  • Alias: An Alias is using the original file name.
  • Designer: It embeds the user who does the design importation. Otherwise, it remains empty.
  • Stamper: Stamper is the reference of the printing producer. Otherwise, it remains empty.
  • Stamper design reference: The design reference can be specified for the printing producer. Otherwise, it remains empty.
  • Coordinated designs: A reference to another design in neoCatalog.
  • Customer: Customer can be selected as long the customer exists in neoCatalog. Otherwise, it remains empty.
  • Exclusivity and Expiration Date: Can be enabled and the date of exclusivity expiration selected. Otherwise, it remains empty. When a design is marked as Exclusive, it is clearly visible in the showrooms. 
  • Price: Can be introduced. Otherwise, it remains empty.
  • Status: Status unfolds a list. Otherwise, it remains unknown. The designations given in Status will be shown in the design, in the browser of the main design.

Technical Information Section

The second section of the dialog information relates to the design image technical data, which the program obtains from its files.

Default fields:

  • File: The image file name and extension.
  • Low-resolution file: The program indicates the image file name of the generated LQ file.
  • Size: The image file size in centimeters and width-height proportion.
  • Resolution: The image file resolution is in dpi.
  • Number of channels: The number of channels for multichannel and photographic image files.
  • Rapport and Rapport rotation: The embedded image file rapport and direction.

Search Information Section

The last section of the dialog information relates to the design categorizations. Refer to the preferences to learn how to create categorizations.

Default fields:

  • Verified: This action is reversible, but bear in mind that when it is activated, the other fields in the dialog become inactive and some users depending on privileges won't see it. The verification of a design is done by clicking under the label, and a tick with the current date will appear.
  • Finishing Method: Unfolds a list of production finishing methods that can be changed in preferences by an administrator.
  • Color Library: The option unfolds a list of all visible color libraries that are in neoCatalog.
  • Keywords: Select or add new keywords to categorize the design. 
  • Tags: Select or add a new tag to categorize the design. 
  • Collections: Select or add new collections to categorize the design.
  • Trademark/Subtrademark: Editable field, although only trademark will be taken as a search filter.
  • Comments: Can be added. The default comment is 'Created using DropBox'.

Edit Colorway Info

When a Colorway is opened or selected, the option Edit Colorway Info from the button at the menu bar of the window becomes selectable.

Colorway Creation Section

The first section of the dialog information relates to the colorway creation and ownership classification in neoCatalog.

Default fields:

  • Creation Date: The creation date is the date of colorway creation or importation. 
  • Type: Indication if the colorway is digital(photographic) or conventional(multichannel). 
  • Name: The name is used as temporary identification until the colorway moves to production.
  • Code: Code is used when the colorway moves to production.
  • Provider Code: This code is the design code of the supplied design.
  • Request ID (optional): Shown when colorway is used in request order.
  • Colorist: It embeds the user who does the colorway creation. Otherwise, it remains empty when imported by DropBox.
  • Customer: Customer can be selected as long the customer exists in neoCatalog. Otherwise, it remains empty.
  • Exclusivity and Expiration Date: Can be enabled and the date of exclusivity expiration selected. Otherwise, it remains empty. When a colorway is marked as Exclusive, it is clearly visible in the showrooms. 
  • Modification date (optional).

Search Information Section

The last section of the dialog information relates to the design categorizations. Refer to the preferences to learn how to create categorizations.

Default fields:

  • Verified: This action is reversible, but bear in mind that when it is activated, the other fields in the dialog become inactive and some users depending on privileges won't see it. The verification of a colorway is done by clicking under the label, and a tick with the current date will appear.
  • Collections: Select or add new collections to categorize the design.
  • Fabric: Unfolds a list of fabric types that can be introduced and changed by an administration's preferences.
  • Finishing Method: Unfolds a list of production finishing methods that can be changed in preferences by an administrator.
  • Color Library: The option unfolds a list of visible color libraries that are in neoCatalog.
  • Coordinates: Identifies the kept colorway reference.
  • Color Profile: Unfolds a list of ICC profiles that are added in the neoCatalog Preferences. By default the ICC is @sRGB.
  • Overprint Method: Colorway simulation that provides production simulations perform an ink calculation for production when mixing colors in different cases. It can be Methods, Production, ProductionPigment, ProductionDarken, or Photoshop.

Custom Fields and Custom Dialogs Management

Setup of categorization options