nT neoTextil Panel is the module manager in starting modules, setting a different language, and viewing the license validation of your activation. 

  • neoTextil 8: In Photoshop you can open the panel from Windows | Extensions | nT neoTextil Panel
  • neoTextil 9: In Photoshop you can open the panel from Plug-ins | neoTextil Panels | nT neoTextil Panel
  • neoTextil YEAR: In Photoshop you can open the panel from Plug-ins | neoTextil YEAR | neoTextil


1. Requesting a trial license after installation and viewing the license duration.


2. Clicking on the module names will open the plug-ins and panels using the shortcuts. 

3. Plug-in and panels language selection from the setting button. 

Related articles:

Installation Wizard of neoTextil

Request a trial license and get registered