Image reference is an option to load an external image, pick colors in the image, and apply the picked colors in the colorway. By default, the section is open and ready to load an image. Else, the section can be closed or opened by dragging the "...." icon below the image reference section. 


1. Clicking on the upload button you can search and select the image (unsupported for grayscale). The name is shown next to the upload option. The zoom option is available on the left and is the same as used in nT Colorations. 

2. Select one color channel and press alt + click on color will apply the picked color of the reference.

3. If you load one multichannel with embedded colorways, from the selector next to the file name you can select the colorway. From the top-left, you can view and copy-paste the colors of the loaded colorway.

4. If you work with remote colorways from neoCatalog, then you can load those colorways from the remote design opened as the Image reference.

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nT Colorations working with neoCatalog