Image reference is an option (top-right) to load an external image, pick colors in the image, and apply the picked colors in the colorway's channels. By default, the section is open and ready to load an image. Else, the section can be closed or opened by dragging the "...." icon below the image reference section. 

The Upload button allows you to choose between two options:

  1. Load: Select and upload a local file from your disk.
  2. Search: Available when connected to neoCatalog, enabling you to search for and download a remote colorway from a design to use as an image reference.

Local Image reference

Uploading a Local File:

  1. Click the Upload button to load an image from your local disk (note: grayscale images are not supported).
  2. Once uploaded, the file name will appear next to the upload option.
  3. A Zoom tool is available on the left, identical to the one used in nT Colorations.

Color Picking from Reference:

  1. Select a color channel in the open document.
  2. Press Alt + click on a color within the reference image to apply the picked color.

Multichannel Images with Embedded Colorways:

  1. If a multichannel file with embedded colorways is loaded, you can use the selector next to the file name to choose a specific colorway.
  2. From the top-right menu, you can view and copy-paste the colors of the loaded colorway into the open document channels.

Remote Image reference

When connected to neoCatalog, you can retrieve remote colorways through two methods:

Load Remote Colorways from neoCatalog Panel:

  1. Use the Load button to open a remote design downloaded via the neoCatalog Panel.
  2. The downloaded file is saved in the /Downloads/neoCatalog Panel/ folder.
  3. Once opened as the image reference, select the desired colorway from the list (indicated by a globe icon).

Search for and Download Remote Colorways:

  1. The Search button allows you to bypass the neoCatalog Panel download process and directly search for remote designs.
  2. Steps:
    a. Click the Search button.
    b. In the dialog, specify the number of designs to load (10–50) and decide whether to overwrite existing files on your local disk.
    c. Enter the design code or name in the search field.
    d. Press Enter or click the search (magnifying glass) icon.
    e. Select a design from the search results and click Open.
    f. Choose the desired remote colorway from the list (indicated by a globe icon).
  3. In the open document, select a color channel and press Alt + click on a color within the reference image to apply it.

NOTE: User not identified? Be sure to work with neoCatalog updated to minimum v24.12.

Related articles:

nT Colorations working with neoCatalog