When using a single screen and starting the program for the first time, you will not see any Color libraries sidebar, because you need to open them. At the bottom left corner of the window, there is a button (books) to open the Color Libraries manager. The column size you can adjust by dragging the "...." icon on the left of the open color libraries.
Before any library is opened, the space will be empty, and none is shown. You can have as many color libraries loaded as you like. They will be available from the unfolded list.
From the button (list) from the Library menu on the right, go to Open… and then choose any library with the extension VDB. from your system.
- macOS: /Users/<USER>/Documents/neoTextil/ColorLibraries
- Windows: C:\Users\<USER>\Documents\neoTextil\ColorLibraries
When you start with 'New...' a new dialog appears to choose the color space, color profile, color or gradient method, or choose from the template.
By default, the column and row settings are in 1/1. If you wish to have more than one Color library open, first you need to indicate so from the libraries button (wheel). A dialog pops up, where you can choose how many columns and rows you want to view.
For example, two columns imply two spaces for two different Color libraries.
The color space and amount of colors in color libraries are indicated at the bottom of the color library gallery. Amount of colors is indicated in 3 parts, e.g.: the color library contains 1925 colors (first), shown 1925 colors (second), and 2 colors (third) are selected.
You can view libraries' color and color information with customized generated or installed default layouts (LYT) that you can select via (the color guide) in:
- macOS: /Users/<USER>/Documents/neoTextil/Layouts
- Windows: C:\Users\<USER>\Documents\neoTextil\Layouts
It opens the Layouts Setup dialog where you can define the size, composition, arrangement, and viewing color names. With the 'Load...' button you can select and load the default layouts with an extension LYT, in case we wish to change the layout design of color patches.