The search button below the color libraries galleries allows for different types of searches. The search tool offers you to search for colors by name, code, color, comment, or more. This depends on the header content of the color library.

  • When "All" is selected, then the search will be performed through all the open libraries. 
  • The button (x) beside the search field will cancel previous searches.
  • The color search results are marked in blue.
  • The color space and number of colors in color libraries are indicated at the bottom of the color library gallery.
  • The number of colors is indicated in 3 parts, e.g.: the color library contains 2625 colors (first), shown 2625 colors (second), and 8 colors selected (third).

The search result can be set up in two different ways; Show results only or shows results among the colors in the library. By default, the plug-in search for results only.

If you want to search among other colors, enable the option "Color library search by selection" in Preferences. Once enabled, the search results will be shown with other colors. With the arrows < and > you can jump to the next color that is found in the search.

or via channel colors of one colorway that has libraries' colors.

Search by Name and Code

As you search for the Name or Code of color, the editing field is highlighted and appears on white background, meaning that it is active.


Search by Color

Searching for a Color differs in that the editing field appears in black, and by pressing on it a color picker pops up.

When you have chosen a color, the closest reference to it in your color library will appear, as well as an editing field with the color picked, and the dE difference between the two colors

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