neoStampa v24.12
December 2024
What’s New
- Remove your media color to create a softer hand feel maintaining the vibrancy of the design colors.
- Added white highlight effect and other white methods to strengthen white areas in the design.
- Added QR/Barcode with the source filename in print statistics.
- Added Raster preview dialog when selecting a processed job in the printing queue.
- Grayscale PNG support
- Pixel replacement for PDFs (after rendering)
- File-based connection type for safe hot folder interaction. It acts like the FILE connection but the output file is created hidden and only revealed when finished. Besides, the output file is locked to prevent other processes from access.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed incorrect output when the repeat size was smaller than the original file and the driver rotated the output using Mosaic format.
- Fixed DRD computation using media white.
- Resolved choke being applied incorrectly to white parts of designs and in rapport documents.
- Addresses problem with Hotfolder not moving subfolders to archive.
- Solved issues with IO Pro measuring.
- Fixed crashes when closing documents while RIP was starting.
- TIF files can now be opened without errors.
- White ink now prints correctly and transparently on PNG files.
- Fixed DTF media background color issues.
- Resolved output errors caused by overlapping objects.
- Fixed dynamic white spot color issues.
- Fixed invalid characters for light mode errors with sRoq in Calibration Wizard.
- Improved white computation for DRD media.
- Fixed translation errors in multiple languages (Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese).
neoStampa v24.10.1
October 2024
What’s New
not included.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved a crash in nS when attempting to print 200 spots PDF Pantone library files.
- Fixed an issue where the ink consumption for two drop plotters was wrong.
- Fixed the "Save" function incorrectly acting as "Save As..."
- Fixed incorrect meter count when printing.
- Fixed Print Server crash when canceling a print jobs.
Control Center
- Added preference to create a Control Center database backup.
- A secure shield icon is displayed for printers that support secure printing.
- Incorporated comments from printed jobs into the Job report for improved tracking.
neoStampa v24.10.0
October 2024
What’s New
- Increased performance when working with mosaic copies.
- Added support for background colors in colorways for Print Server.
Bug Fixes
- Solved issue in Print Server issue when stretched compensation is activated.
- Addressed in Print Server rapport jobs stability issues.
- Fixed output issue in Print Server when printing with color replacement.
- Fixed API jobAbort call for secure printing.
- Solved issue in slow ripping performance.
- Addressed CP5 compatibility issues.
Control Center
- Added a new option in preferences for starting and stopping Control Center and neoControl services of neoStampa and OEMs within the application.
- Addressed issue where the data source connection is not updated automatically after the Control Center update.
- Fixed issue exporting PDF from printing history with a job using color replacement using Thai font.
- Solved permission of configuration file (config.json) that prevented Control Center from starting.
- Better support for the currency.
neoStampa v24.8.0
August 2024
What’s New
You can now reopen jobs directly from the job printing queue in neoStampa. This enhancement allows users to quickly revisit and modify previously printed jobs without needing to search for them manually.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed decryption on multiple source file formats different than PSD files in Print Server.
- Resolved crash of reprinting encrypted job in Print Server.
- White channel data is no longer missing when printing the White value chart.
- Resolved an issue where a 4-channel multichannel file printed with an 8-ink scheme produced incorrect output in some channels.
- Fixed a problem where simulator data was not copied during the DRD import scheme process.
- Addressed an issue where the neoStampa hot folder retained a document, causing it to be repeatedly ripped.
- Schemes are now properly synchronized between the remote Print Server and neoStampa instances.
- Solved the issue with multichannel or hybrid files in Print Server.
Control Center
- Solved issue displaying ink consumption for 16-ink schemes.
- Enhanced style coherence of buttons.
neoStampa v24.7.0
July 2024
What’s New
- Increased rip performance by parallelizing halftoning.
- Optimized separated TIFF file-saving process.
- Enhanced Print Server job preparation dialog.
Bug Fixes
- Addressed issue in transparency that ignored if the choke is present.
- Solved crash when printing in Rapport Mode.
- Fixed output rotation issue when the document is split into pages.
- Solved issues with automatic color substitution from XJB jobs.
- Addressed minor issues in Hotfolder configurations.
neoStampa v24.6.1
July 2024
What’s New
not included.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in Rapport mode where the printer would write the footer legend after each copy when printing a specific number of copies.
neoStampa v24.6
June 2024
We are changing the versioning of neoStampa Delta to Calendar Numbering.
This means our users will see a significant jump in the version numbering of the new release, from neoStampa Delta v10.2.9 to neoStampa Delta v24.6 (Year and month of the release).From now on, any new scheme (Calibration package) created in neoStampa Delta v24 will ONLY be compatible with the version it was created in and all future version releases, and it will NOT be compatible with earlier versions. Once updated, you will always be able to use an old scheme in more recent versions to continue printing under the same conditions.
Some details about the semantics of our numbering system: we are using two digits for the year, one or two digits for the month (Depending on the current month), and the last digit for the release updates.
- v24.6
- v24.6.1
What’s New
- Added support for scheme versioning.
- Added support for Barbieri SpectroLFP qb TCP/IP connection
- Added the possibility for the Print Server to send copies as a single job.
- Added Print Server communication license and driver characteristics for encryption jobs.
- Updated Dilution ink values when editing AICY color recipes.
Bug Fixes
- Solved issue on entering color replacement number.
- Solved issue on deleting temporary Print Server files.
- Addressed issue with channel mask in spot colors.
- Fixed issue with pure white LAB files.
- Solved issue on measuring pages with Barbieri SpectroLFP.
- Fixed the issue where the Punch bleed option did not apply the values in the output.
- Solved issue with color patches not being added in the Print Statistic.
- Solved issue opening PDF document with accent name or in the document path.
- Solved issue with Konica Nassenger that extends the name limit to 100 characters.
- Addressed nS crashes while ripping a PDF file with overprint for DTG print mode.
- Fixed issues displaying PDF preview.
- Solved PDF rendering issue (SpotColors + Choke).
- Fixed Print Server issue with RGB-output drivers
- Solved behavior for Choke not applied through hot folders.
Control Center
- Fixed issue with exporting PDF report in THB currency.
- Fixed issue to recalculate ink prices in the jobs history.
- Solved issue with duplicated consumption price when the quantity is higher than 1 liter/1000 milliliter.
- Addressed issue with Data Source connection after the update causing the printing history not to load automatically which required a manual refreshing on the connection in Preferences
- Solved issue where newly introduced parameters for a new job were not used.
- Optimized the PDF size of the Job report.
- Optimized the data format in an Excel file.