Issue Description

In neoCatalog, Agents assigned to a specific category Store are unable to see their owned galleries, but they can still view public galleries. However, Agents assigned to a category store should be able to view both their owned galleries and any public galleries.


This issue occurs when the user exists in the system both as a user and as a contact. In the gallery settings, the ownership is assigned to the contact's email address instead of the user account's name.


  1. Navigate to User Management and check if the affected user is also listed under Contacts.

  2. Open the affected gallery and check if the ownership field is set to the user's email (contact record) instead of the user's name.

  3. Replace the email address with the user's proper account name.

  4. If the user exists as both a contact and a user, decide whether to:

    • Rename the contact to distinguish it from the user account.
    • Delete the contact record to ensure it’s not actively used in other settings.
- When creating new users ensure they are not duplicated as contacts unless absolutely necessary. 
- Always assign gallery ownership using the user's name, not their email address.