Admin Guide for Server Version

neoCatalog Server version installation in Windows Server
Requirements Before starting the installation, make sure that the Windows Server does not contain a previously installed neoCatalog Server version. You can...
Wed, 15 Nov, 2023 at 1:44 PM
neoCatalog does not start after installation in Windows
Problem After the neoCatalog Server windows installation and completing the completed the Configuration Wizard setup with the URL http://localhost/cgi-bin/...
Tue, 20 Jun, 2023 at 10:57 AM
Start neoCatalog Server application instances from JavaMonitor
During the setup process, restarting the neoCatalog service is necessary multiple times to ensure the setup and configuration changes take effect. There a...
Tue, 26 Mar, 2024 at 5:01 PM
Graceful Scheduling in JavaMonitor: ON or OFF
Graceful Scheduling involves managing tasks or processes in a manner that permits the application to finish its ongoing work before termination or interr...
Fri, 1 Dec, 2023 at 1:44 PM
Configuration Wizard for neoCatalog setup
neoCatalog gives you the possibility to create your own neoCatalog with facilities to use your own files and data. The Configuration Wizard is automatically...
Tue, 20 Jun, 2023 at 10:46 AM
How to install/update SSL certificate on the server where neoCatalog is hosted
Please ensure the SSL certification is requested in the formats .crt and .key (two separate files) or .pem (a single file) from providers such as https:/...
Fri, 22 Mar, 2024 at 3:27 PM
Enable HTTPS for neoCatalog Server
With Apache 1 - Load mod_ssl First, simply uncomment the following line in the httpd.conf file. To modify the httpd.conf file we will use the Nano text ed...
Wed, 13 Mar, 2024 at 3:54 PM
Access neoCatalog from external network (Internet Access)
ISP and DNS 1 - Hire a static IP address with your ISP Your external IP address is not something you can change, it is given to you automatically by your ...
Tue, 20 Jun, 2023 at 11:25 AM
neoCatalog in external storage connection
This guide provides detailed instructions for connecting an external storage device to your system, setting up the network drive, configuring the neoCatalog...
Wed, 17 Jul, 2024 at 8:59 AM
How to schedule Database backup in Administration
It is important to make regular backups of your data in case of accidental data loss or corruption. neoCatalog administration offers the option to back up t...
Tue, 20 Jun, 2023 at 11:43 AM