Problem 1

Even the activation exists, the panel shows the "TRY" label which indicates that neoTextil is not activated. When clicking on it, the activator opens showing the activation days. Clicking on Continue will refresh the panel but still showing the "TRY" label.

Problem 2

When opening nT neoTextil Panel and clicking 'Continue', then a message appears that permissions to activate are not enough.


The permissions of the Inedit Software folder in Public Documents do not have enough permissions to write&save the XDAT activation file.

Solution in WINDOWS

1. Close Photoshop and navigate to the Photoshop folder and run the Photoshop application as administrator.

2. Open the Panel and the labels are gone.

Solution in macOS

Load the XDAT file in nT Activation Manager and restart Photoshop. Open the Panel and the labels are gone.

Related articles:

How to apply XDAT (offline) application license activation