Working with custom fields and custom dialogs to enter extra data in the design and colorway information, and also to have this data in the layouts is possible.
Custom fields format supported for variables
- Use formats without space like "AsesorComercial" or "Asesor-Comercial".
- When using space, use a dash "-" but do not use underline or else.
- Uppercase and lowercase letters.

Variables in layout
Custom field name | Variable in layout |
Asesor-Comercial | ${Asesor-comercial@0} |
AnchoEspecial | ${Anchoespecial@0} |
Tintas-Neón | ${Tintas-Neón@0} |
Lineas-de-corte | ${Lineas-de-corte@0} |
<!-- Ancho especial --> <!--requires custom field and dialog--> <Conditional condition="${Anchoespecial@0}" equals="" negate="N"> <Object Id="25" Left="3.35 cm" Top="23.1 cm" MaintainAspectRatio="true"> <Transformations> <Text alignment="left" fontid="2" fontsize="7" maxwidth="4.5 cm" value="X" backgroundRGBAColor="0,0,0,256" textRGBAColor="0,0,0" /> </Transformations> </Object> </Conditional> <Conditional condition="${Anchoespecial@0}" equals="" negate="Y"> <Object Id="24" Left="5.0 cm" Top="23.1 cm" MaintainAspectRatio="true" > <Transformations> <Text alignment="left" fontid="2" fontsize="7" maxwidth="4.5 cm" value="X" backgroundRGBAColor="0,0,0,256" textRGBAColor="0,0,0" /> </Transformations> </Object> </Conditional>
The most important change is to add the variables in the Job Settings, else when there is no value for any variable, then we show the variable name.
<Set id="0">
<Variable name = "Asesor-Comercial" value = ""/>
<Variable name = "Designer" value = ""/>
<Variable name = "CustomerDescription" value = ""/>
<Variable name = "Localizado" value = ""/>
<Variable name = "Lineas-de-corte" value = ""/>
<Variable name = "Ancho-Especial" value = ""/>
<Variable name = "Ancho-Especial-Descripcion" value = ""/>
<Variable name = "Tintas-Neon" value = ""/>
<Variable name = "Dupla" value = ""/>
<Variable name = "Dupla-Descripcion" value = ""/>
See the attached layout as an example for the layouts.