Installation and Activation
Print Server is an embedded application component in neoStampa and can be started after neoStampa is installed on your computer. The activation of the Print Server is managed by neoStampa. Check your license and make sure that your license allows PrintServer. Refer to neoStampa installations and activations.
Start Print Server
Print Server as default neoStampa printer queue
Working with Print Server as the default printing queue with neoStampa is the main purpose to send print jobs directly from neoStampa to Print Server. While adding a printer in neoStampa in Printer Configuration, you need to configure the connection with Print Server. Refer to the setup to use the Print Server queue in neoStampa.
Start Print Server from .exe (manually)
The neoPrintServer.exe file is located in the neoStampa program folder corresponding to the version number (e.g.: C:\Program Files\Inedit\neoStampa 10). Using .exe allows you to start and close the Print Server queue manually.
Start Print Server from the desktop link
From Print Server Configuration settings you can create a shortcut link to the desktop to have a quick start and access to the application.
When any of the processes are completed, the application opens and takes you to the Print Server queue.
Closing Print Server
The Print Server remains active and can be shown, hidden, or quit from taskbar hidden icons.
If you wish to disable to connection, simply go to neoStampa 'Printer Configuration' and disable the option from the installed driver below the 'Connection' to use the local Print Server.