When the measurement is completed and you will be asked to generate the profile with an internal application profiler. Gradient Few will be taken by default when allowing the wizard to generate the profile after measurements are completed.




With this option, you can specify a certain amount to smooth out error measurements, although much of it is avoided by choosing to do three measurements of each test file. Broadly speaking, the more you smooth a profile the less precise this will be, so smoothing should apply only if the global precision of an ICC profile is maintained, and the most important aim is to achieve smoother gradients in printing. The options for smoothing are, in general terms:

  • None: It should be used when measurements are good, as with paper.
  • Few: It can be selected for stable readings on dense, low-structured textiles (default).
  • Normal: It would apply with unstable measurements on structured textiles.
  • High: It is only to be selected for extremely structured textiles, like towels. This gradient is not recommended to use, as it implies heavy smoothing.


Profiling presets

For the standard ink setup, there are presets available:

  • Default RGB/CMYK profile: This has no change with previous versions.
  • Color matching RGB/CMYK profile: Also, this has no change with respect to previous versions.
  • Colorful RGB profile: This preset tends to be an option for delivering “nice” and “brilliant” colors, where matching is not important at all. Perceptual and Saturation tables are set to produce saturated and brilliant colors, but in some cases gamut clipping may occur.
  • Master RGB profile: This preset has been redesigned completely. Master profiles are meant to be used as an intermediate color space for conversions (proofing) or also, for being used as a design working space. For that reason, we changed the way those profiles are built, using just a subset of the target samples. This delivers a more “synthetic” profile, very uniform and stable, but at the same time limiting the gamut to a real environment.

asThe former “OBA” presets have been removed from the list. Instead of that we added the “Neutralize white point” option. This behavior is exactly the same than before, neutralizing the white point from measurements without a UV filter, but now it can be used in any profiling preset available (Master RGB profile always does it).

Presets prio nS 10.2.8: 
- Default RGB preset (Perceptual = an improved Relative Colorimetric + BPC intent, Saturation = a more saturated version of Perceptual intent) => Default Perceptual.
- Color Matching RGB preset (Perceptual = an improved Relative Colorimetric + BPC intent, Saturation = a special hybrid rendering intent similar to Absolute Colorimetric with dynamic adjustments near black and white point) => Default Saturation. 
- Color Matching RGB preset (OBA) same as above but with automatic compensation of the white point due to optical brighteners in the substrate.
- Master RGB profile: Average icc from several icc measurements, which is usually called Master or Reference profile.

Generate profile

Before starting the generation of the profile, you will be asked to save the ICC profile into the location of the printer scheme folder using the same name. It is recommended to give the same name to the profile that you gave to the complete calibration, to avoid confusion. You can also specify where you'd like to save the generated profile; typically, on the desktop since you can easily distribute it from there, or within your profile folder.

During the profile generation, the generating process is visible in the profile log. When 100% of the process is reached, the ICC profile generation was successful.


Profiles list

Once you have your ICC profile generated, this will appear on the profile list automatically. Or else you can select other profiles or import profiles with the "+" button next to the list. Click on the button and select the location of the profile (e.g. Desktop). The wizard will then show a list of profiles that have been detected in the specified folder and that are compatible with ICC RGB printer profiles.
Now you can select the profile from the drop-down list.


Gamut and Quality

Below the profiles list calibration, the Linearisation is visible. On the right is the projection of the profile in the gamut viewer.

  • By clicking on the 3D button, you unlock access to the dynamic 3D visualization feature. Here, you can compare and validate your new profile, choose the rendering style you prefer, and display measurement points on the profile.

  • When you click on the Picker button, it reveals the gamut space, enabling you to select a color with ease.

With this step, the printer profiling is finished. You can proceed with test printing, the last step of the calibration process.

How to make new printer calibration