Once you have access to your new neoCatalog by being invited or created provided by an administrator of the program, and you have the login page open after loading your neoCatalog URL, introduce your username or email and password in the given fields. 


User Login

To start a web browser management session, do the following:

  1. Start your web browser on the neoCatalog server.

  2. In the URL field of the browser, enter the IP which is the default IP address of the server. If the connection is open, use the name of the URL address.

  3. Select the language that you want to use during the session.

  4. You can enter your neoCatalog login username or email and password.

  5. Click 'Remember me' to save the username and password (optional).

  6. Press Log in.

In case you forgot your password ingredients, use the 'Forgot your password' option to reset and create a new password.

The 'Remember me' option in login, it will be stored for each URL and it will last for 1 month.

To close the neoCatalog session, close the browser window or Logout from the tab with the user name. neoCatalog web browser session remains active as long as you don't link to other sites or you do not quit the browser. The session time without activity lasts 60 minutes, then a new login is required.

Quick Login

Advanced option to enable and activate quick login feature for individual users. Once in use, just with only one click the user is logged in. Contact your administrator to enable the feature.

After login

The first window you get into is Designs View. The menu, header, tab, and navigation bars are indicated in every design and colorway view.  In the use of optional features, more buttons and actions will be added to the bars.

The preview size and labels can be customized in Administration.


The header bar is on the top-right of the neoCatalog browser.

User Login

The user login name and logout.


Access to Administration management and device deployment. 


With notifications, you'll be informed quickly about your activities.


The tab bar is located at the top of neoCatalog's browser. There are graphic tabs that take you to different pages in the program. Click on any tab to go directly to that page.


Displays the designs showroom in neoCatalog from every page.


Opens object models to view your design in 3D from every page.


Displays the galleries in neoCatalog from every page.


The navigation bar is in the center of the neoCatalog browser.

Search Options

The search field lets you search for designs and opens advanced search options.

Sorting Options

Allows selecting what designs in which order you wish to view.

Reduce Thumbnails

Reduces the size of the preview thumbnails.

Enlarge Thumbnails

Enlarges the size of the preview thumbnails.

Grid Mode

Shows designs in Grid mode preview.

Accordion Mode

Shows designs in Accordion mode preview.


Designs and Colorways applied to one simulation object.


The menu bar sits at the bottom of the neoCatalog browser and consists of menu pop-up lists.

Import Items

Import new designs, colorways, and other items.

Edit Items

Manages design/colorway information and colors edition or elimination.

Print Items

Print option to generate print files or send them to the printer.

Share Items

Access the options to share designs/colorways.

Export Items

Access the options of generating and exporting designs/colorways.

View Items

Displays different options for design view. 

Download Items

Access the options of downloading designs/colorways.


More options are available in feature customizations.

Related articles:

neoCatalog Server version installation in Windows Server

Download and install the neoCatalog App