New Coloration
- Pressing the button under the colorations preview list, or mouse right-clicking on any coloration, a menu opens with the options to create new colorations.
- Select New... from the colorations menu on the bottom right of the window, or press ⌘+N to create a new coloration.
- Choosing a Duplicate... will create a second coloration, keeping the same settings.
- When changing the spot colors of alpha channels in Adobe® Photoshop® and later when entering nT Colorations you can create a new colorway from the contextual menu (Cmd+Shift+N) based on the spot color channels.
To rename a coloration, double-click on it and the Coloration options dialog opens (with options that were described in the previous section).
Import and Export Colorations Data
From the button 'page+' button under the colorations previews, or right-clicking on any coloration, it displays a list of choices. The given options allow you to Export or Import XCM files, with information about the chosen colorations in XCM (only the selected colorations will be exported).
- Select the option Load... to import the Coloration files.
- The options Save with profiles... or Save all with profiles... will save the coloration text file with an embedded profile, if Preference in saving options is not enabled.
- Select the options Save... or Save all... to save a file with information about all the colorations loaded in nT Colorations. If loading the XCM that has an embedded ICC profile, it will require installing the profile within the second dialog.