neoCatalog Panel is the panel for Adobe® Photoshop® which allows and offers the connection to neoCatalog to search, view, download, and publish designs in your Adobe® Photoshop®. Take a look at the neoCatalog articles or visit our homepage to learn about neoCatalog. 


neoTextil 9

We have recently released a new version with Apple Silicon compatibility. Since the neoCatalog Panel is currently not supported for Apple Silicon, you must run Photoshop in Rosetta mode.

1. Go to Adobe Photoshop > Get Info and enable 'Open using Rosetta'.

2. Restart Photoshop and display the drop-down options list from Plug-ins | neoTextil, and finally, click neoCatalog. The panel that opens will redirect you to start the neoCatalog Panel.

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Open a document with Adobe® Photoshop®, then display the drop-down options list from Window | Extensions, and finally click on nC neoCatalog Panel. Or open the panel using the shortcut on nT neoTextil Panel.


The first time you open the panel, you need to establish a connection to neoCatalog to receive and send your neoCatalog designs. To do this you have two options:


Option 1: Bonjour

Connect the panel using bonjour detected neoCatalogs in your network:


Option 2: QR code

Connect the Panel using the QR code that neoCatalog creates. To do this, go to neoCatalog and log in with your username and password. In neoCatalog, click on the wheel icon next to the user name tab and select the option to 'Link App'. A new dialog opens giving options to select the Inedit application with the sub-option to copy the QR to paste it in the panel. It copies the URL to your clipboard.


Back to the neoCatalog Panel, click on 'Add neoCatalog' which has the possibility to paste the QR code in the required field, and click on 'Link' to create the connection.


With a successful connection, the designs will be shown automatically.


neoCatalog Panel can be disconnected at any time from neoCatalog when pressing on the user icon and clicking on 'Logout'. Or else, from the neoCatalog Linked Apps section in Administration Page > Licensing. Once the neoCatalog Panel is disconnected from neoCatalog, the link must be established again using the QR code as described in the first step.

View content

The panel incorporates design information sourced from neoCatalog:

  • Design Type: Displayed as a banner in the preview.

  • Exclusivity: Indicated by a red banner in the preview.

  • Status: Represented by a bullet icon within the banner.

Further details can be accessed via the arrow button:

  • Name
  • Type
  • Designer
  • File Dimension
  • Rapport value and orientation
  • Comments
  • Creation date
  • Keywords

Search for content

In the search field, you can search design with design codes/names and keywords. Even when using part of the name it will show you the found images with the default colorway. To view design information, select one design and press on the tab arrow-up and the information bar opens showing you neoCatalog's design information.


Double-click on the design image will direct you to the design's colorways gallery.



Download Designs & Colorways

To download the design/colorway, select the design and click on the 'Download Design' or 'Download Colorway' at the bottom of the panel, or else double-click on the design/colorway. The panel downloads a copy of the original file from neoCatalog and opens automatically in Adobe® Photoshop® using the original file name.


If you download multiple designs and colorways, the download process you can view from the download/upload icon ↑↓ and select the already downloaded files with the search icon. Multiple downloads are possible. Downloading digital colorways will download the colorway file. The downloaded files are stored in the /<USER>/Downloads/neoCatalog Panel/ folder.

When working with multichannel designs, you can download the low-quality PSD file with lower dpi (by default 72 dpi). Downloading multichannel colorways will download the separations design file with the colorways embedded, which can be viewed in nT Colorations.

Downloading digital colorways will download the colorway file. Layers will be flattened in neoCatalog.

If you work with neoCatalog Cloud Service download (v3.9.0), then in nC Catalog Panel you can enable or disable the option.


Upload Designs & Colorways

Once designs and colorways are ready for use, you can upload the design to neoCatalog with the 'Publish Design' or 'Publish Colorway' buttons at the bottom of the panel. Multiple uploads are possible. If the design file uses the same name, the design will be updated in neoCatalog. Else, it creates a new design in neoCatalog.


For uploading the design there are two options given where the design will be managed as 'Separated' or as a 'Digital' design. Once you click on one of the options, a new dialog opens to enter the design information.

Updating designs use the same process as the import. Simply use the modified design with the same design file name and upload the design to neoCatalog with the 'Publish Design'. It opens a dialog that informs you that the designs are going to be updated and shows the differences between the file before and the new file.


Colorways are unique and cannot be updated. If you want to replace a colorway, you need to delete it in neoCatalog and publish it again as a new colorway. If you want to skip this restriction, contact your neoCatalog administrator.

Licensing Management of neoCatalog

Register Devices and Apps in neoCatalog