neoCatalog 3.9

January 2021


What’s New

Restyled color patches in color libraries

You can customize the view of the library with the adjustment button next to the library name, where you choose the size of the patches and view the color name, or not. The adjustments are based on the logged-in user and will remain for the user only on the coloring colorway and simulations page.

Download files from the Cloud service

Every user has the option to enable or disable cloud download under the user icon. Once enabled and when downloading the design file, then it will be sent and stored on the cloud and kept there for 7 days.

Add Support for the new Section Module

With the new Sections Modules, you can create new areas to define files like Artwork, Original, etc. The new section is located on the top tabs and at the beginning having no data included. 


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed zoom for the simulations previews.
  • Fixed publishing colorways from the panel to the app.
  • Fixed when creating a new color library then it replaces another library.
  • Previews for colorways created from T colorways.
  • Fixed minor interface issues.