For more information, please contact In case of doubt or for further information, please contact Inèdit Technical Support. |
Here is the list of the most common activation error codes and messages.
Code | Message |
0 | Your activation is successful. |
1 | The dongle update was successful. |
-1 | Mistype error. The code characters mismatch. Please repeat the typing. |
-2 | Incorrect product. You are trying to activate the wrong product. Please check the product. |
-3 | Incorrect product. You are trying to activate the wrong product. Please check the product. |
-4 | Incorrect client name. You are trying to activate the wrong client name. Only for client code + dongle number. |
-5 | Incorrect dongle number. You are trying to activate the wrong dongle number. Only for client code + dongle number. |
-6 | Incorrect dongle or hardware. This dongle is incorrect for your activation code or the dongle is not found. |
-7 | Activation is not valid for this version because support is expired. Please contact your dealer. |
-8 | Temporary activation is expired. Please contact your dealer. |
-9 | Reactivation of dongle failed or dongle is invalid. Please contact your dealer. |
-10 | This activation code is in use. |
-11 | The limit of maximum users is reached. Please retry later. |
-12 | Incorrect .xdat activation file. Please request a new .xdat file at your dealer. |
-13 | Dongle revoked. |
-14 | Dongle has the wrong use date. |
-15 | Dongle has the wrong minimum date. |
-16 | Activation has a wrong date (future date). |
-1000 | Bad parameters. Please contact your dealer. |
-1001 | .xdat activation file can't read. Verify the location and permission of .xdat file and contact your administrator. |
-1002 | .xdat activation file can't write. Verify the location and permission of .xdat file and contact your administrator. |
-1003 | Incorrect .xdat activation file. Please request a new .xdat file at your dealer. |
-1004 | Incorrect .xdat activation file. Please request a new .xdat file at your dealer. |
-1005 | Time is out. Please retry. |
-1006 | Dongle not found. Please check if the dongle is correctly plugged in and if the dongle light is fixed. |
-1007 | Dongle not found. Please check if the dongle is correctly plugged in and if the dongle light is fixed. |
-1008 | Null register. |
-1009 | The dongle is not working. Please contact your dealer. |
-1010 | Reactivation of dongle failed or dongle is invalid. Please contact your dealer. |
-1011 | Service not running. Restart the service and contact your dealer. |
-1012 | Connection error. The server can't read or the info is missing. Restart the service and contact your dealer. |
-1013 | The register file is missing. Verify permissions of the register folder or contact your dealer. |
-1020 | Unsupported function. |
-1021 | Bad index function. |
-99 | Unknown error. Please contact your dealer. |
-9999 | Permission or Unknown error. Please contact your dealer. |
Related articles:
How to apply XDAT (offline) application license activation
Activation with dongle not valid despite license is up to date (error -14)