The Control Center is a web-based application that serves as a comprehensive solution. It functions as a printing queue manager and also provides a production history tool with accounting capabilities. With this tool, you gain remote control over all your networked printing equipment from a single computer.


Start Control Center

From neoStampa

Click on the button located in one of the upper toolbars of the interface. Control Center will open in the embedded browser included in the neoStampa installation.


In any other web browser

It is also possible to open Control Center on a computer with an operating system other than Windows and other browsers, as long as it is on the same network as the computer that communicates directly with the Print Server installations. Enter the IP address of this machine followed by a colon and the number 49373 (Control Center TCP port), e.g. 


By accessing the page from the sidebar menu you can change the following options.

INFO: Every Control Center browser and web browser is storing the preferences independently and needs individual setup.


  • Light and Dark: Switch the color style of the user interface.
  • Consumables: Access the configuration of Consumables.
  • Refresh: Reloads the page settings.
  • Data Source: Connect to neoControl database.
  • Menu: Show or hide the sidebar menu.


  • Languages: English, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Chinese (simplified), French, Japanese.
  • Currency: Currency codes using ISO 4217 standard.
  • Reset Local Storage: Deletes browser Preferences from Local Storage
  • QR code: Pairing link between QRReader and Control Center

Measurement Units

  • Available Units: m, cm, m, in, ft, yd.
  • Decimals Precision: 0 to 5.
  • Decimals Separator: dot (.) or comma (,).


Option for connection to neoCatalog with API key in order to publish new color replacement colorways.


Options for starting and stopping Control Center and neoControl services of neoStampa and OEMs within the application.


Provides options to perform a Control Center database backup. 

  • To restore, unzip the backup file and copy its contents to the folder: C:\Users\Public\Documents\neoStampa 10\QueueManager\database
  • Afterward, restart the service to complete the restoration.

Previous version

until version 1.4.1

Ports: Control Center and neoControl

How to connect neoControl data source in Control Center

How to create Consumables in Control Center

What is shown in Control Center Statistics view

How to work with Printing History

How to publish new colorway from Control Center to neoCatalog