For more information, please contact
In case of doubt or for further information, please contact Inèdit Technical Support.

Here is the list of the most common activation error codes and messages.



Your activation is successful.


The dongle update was successful.


Mistype error. The code characters mismatch. Please repeat the typing.


Incorrect product. You are trying to activate the wrong product. Please check the product.


Incorrect product. You are trying to activate the wrong product. Please check the product.


Incorrect client name. You are trying to activate the wrong client name. Only for client code + dongle number.


Incorrect dongle number. You are trying to activate the wrong dongle number. Only for client code + dongle number.


Incorrect dongle or hardware. This dongle is incorrect for your activation code or the dongle is not found.


Activation is not valid for this version because support is expired. Please contact your dealer.


Temporary activation is expired. Please contact your dealer.


Reactivation of dongle failed or dongle is invalid. Please contact your dealer.


This activation code is in use.


The limit of maximum users is reached. Please retry later.


Incorrect .xdat activation file. Please request a new .xdat file at your dealer.


Dongle revoked.


Dongle has the wrong use date.


Dongle has the wrong minimum date.


Activation has a wrong date (future date).


Bad parameters. Please contact your dealer.


.xdat activation file can't read. Verify the location and permission of .xdat file and contact your administrator.


.xdat activation file can't write. Verify the location and permission of .xdat file and contact your administrator.


Incorrect .xdat activation file. Please request a new .xdat file at your dealer.


Incorrect .xdat activation file. Please request a new .xdat file at your dealer.


Time is out. Please retry.


Dongle not found. Please check if the dongle is correctly plugged in and if the dongle light is fixed.


Dongle not found. Please check if the dongle is correctly plugged in and if the dongle light is fixed.


Null register.


The dongle is not working. Please contact your dealer.


Reactivation of dongle failed or dongle is invalid. Please contact your dealer.


Service not running. Restart the service and contact your dealer.


Connection error. The server can't read or the info is missing. Restart the service and contact your dealer.


The register file is missing. Verify permissions of the register folder or contact your dealer.


Unsupported function.


Bad index function.


Unknown error. Please contact your dealer.


Permission or Unknown error. Please contact your dealer.

Related articles:

How to apply XDAT (offline) application license activation

Activation with dongle not valid despite license is up to date (error -14)