The option 'Print' is one export option that allows you to create printouts more visually and dynamically. All supported exportation formats are joined in one place that can be downloaded or sent by email. The option is located at the footer bar.
- Destination
- Presets
- Layout
- Paper Size
- Simulation
- Customer
- Comments
- Page Document Preview and items
- Printing Watermarks
Download options
The following option is provided as destinations:
- JPEG: Generates files according to your page setup in JPG format to be downloaded to your computer.
- PSD: Generates files according to your page setup in PSD format to be downloaded to your computer.
- TIF: Generates files according to your page setup in TIF format to be downloaded to your computer.
- XJB: Generates files according to your page setup in XJB format to be downloaded to your computer.
- PDF: Generates files according to your page setup in PDF format to be downloaded to your computer.
Enbale in-app or email notification to be informed when the download is compeleted.
neoCatalog provides advacned preferences to ask for required data and confirmation before generating the print file. Contact your administrator.
Send to neoStampa
Sending print job according to your page setup to the printing queue of Print Server. With 'Send to neoStampa' and working with neoStampa's Print Server you can have the printing queues using the IP address with port or Bonjour protocol configured in Administration. The printing queue can be opened and viewed from the same dialog and you will view Control Center. To send the print document, click on the option in the footer menu.
INFO: To be a neoCatalog user with no export privileges but still have possibilities to print in Print Servers need to get exclusivity on the Print Server configuration in Administration.
Send by email as PDF
This option, located in the footer menu, allows you to send an email containing a download link for PDF documents. Before sending, please select the desired PDF quality. The PDF will be generated in the background.
Save to Server
With this option, you can save the document to a subfolder of the QuickPrint folder. To do this, the administrator is required to create a contact with the category 'Printer' in user administration and requires giving an alias name in the corresponding field. Once the printer name as an alias name is created, the destination option 'Save to Server' will appear to select the printer name. When saving the file to the destination, then a subfolder with the alias name inside the QuickPrint folder will be created having the saved file stored.
This feature is optional and made for the need to export a series of neoCatalog layouts with specified page configuration and is valid for any user with export permissions. Using presets to generate new and also files that are already in the database neoCatalog. Another option to create presets is from Administration. To create a preset, make your layout selection and page configuration and click on 'Save as new' and a new dialog opens where you can name and describe the new preset.
The option 'Public' allows sharing your preset with another user. If this option is not activated, the preset is visible to the creator only. Finally, click on 'Save' to create the preset. Modifications on preset page settings can be done in the print dialog anytime, too. To save the modification, click on 'Save' from the Presets below. Deleting presets can be done from Administration only. To work with Presets, select the preset when the dialog is open and select one from the list. The preview will be updated according to the preset configuration.
From the drop-down menu, you can select the installed neoCatalog Layouts that will be used to create the page document. To install your layouts refer to Administration. By default, we provide sample layouts.
Paper Size
Default Size
formats that are given in standard sizes:
- PDF: Layout Size, Letter, A4, and A3.
- JPEG, PSD, TIF, XJB: Layout Size, Custom, Letter, A4, A3, A2, A1, and A0.
Custom Size
Custom size allows defining the page size in different units (px, pt, mm, cm, m, rep, and yards). Custom sizes are last remembered for user sessions. If with Rapport layouts (the possibility to add printing meters in print job XJB), then here you have to define the final printing meters that will work with combination in destinations of XJB or sending to Print Server queue.
Layout Size
Layout Size will use the programmed page size that is written for the layouts.
If working with Rapport layouts (the possibility to add printing meters in print job XJB), then here it will use the full rapport image size that will work with combination in destinations of XJB or sending to Print Server queue.
From the button, you can select, change, or unselect the installed neoCatalog Virtual simulations that will be applied in the page document. To install simulations refer to Administration.
Random Virtuals
The checkbox Random Virtuals the Print option, allows users to assign random simulation objects for each print page when printing the design. (requires advanced preference)

From the search field, you can select the available customer existing in neoCatalog. If your layout supports the customer field, the customer name will be applied to the page document.
You can make the customer selection mandatory in advanced settings for print file generation.
To create new customers refer to the user and contact management in administration.
TIP: When adding asterix * before the search item, it will search the part of the name and find the possible results.
The field is a text field to enter your comments for the page document.
Working in XJB format and sending the print to Print Server queue, additionally to the comment in the document also it is placed in the printing queue.
Page Document Preview and items
The preview will show in live update the customization on your page document. Multiple pages are shown and a scale option provides an accurate view of the page. The list of the items is on the left with the possibility to remove the items from the same view.
Printing Watermarks
When using watermarks in your designs, according to the user privileges, the watermarks will be applied to the print document automatically or can be enabled/disabled for the print document with the option 'Watermark' below the layout selection.
Related articles:
User Notifications - How to receive notifications for activities
Configuration of Print Servers in Management